I don’t know what programming language you use, but my experience of recent coding in Java, Ruby, JavaScript, PHP, Python, C++, and Rust tells me that the principle, which I will try to convince you to adhere to—is universal for all languages. It’s about the naming of test files. It may look to you like a question of low importance, but let me try to demonstrate that it’s not. How do you name your files with test classes? How many of them do you create in the src/test/java directory? Where do you place a class that is used only in a test but is not a test by itself? To most of these questions, the answer most of you would give is “Whatever!” So let’s try to find a better answer.

The primary purpose of my unit tests is to help me code. They are the safety net—they catch me when I make a mistake. For example, let’s say I go back and edit a few files that I edited a few years ago and, of course, I do it wrong this time. Then, I run all 500 unit tests in the project, and … ten of them turn red. Pay attention, I don’t say “fail” because, just like a safety net around a building, failed tests are the tests that didn’t catch a falling hammer and didn’t spot a bug just introduced. Thus, 490 of them failed, but ten of them succeeded.
Next, I scratch my head and think—what exactly did I do wrong? Which file did I break? I just changed a few dozen code lines. Where exactly was the mistake? In order to find out, I read the output of the tests. I expect the messages they print to the console to be descriptive enough to help me understand the problem. I don’t want to revert all my changes and start from scratch, right? I want to quickly jump to the line with the bug, fix it, rerun all 500 tests, see all of them green, commit my changes and call it a day.
Needless to say, descriptive messages of test assertions and proper naming of test methods are the recipe for success. Let’s consider simple object Phrases, where we add a few English phrases, and it magically understands which of them are greetings (obviously, using ML). For such a class, this Java/JUnit5 test would be very bad:
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
void test1() {
Phrases p = new Phrases();
p.add("Hello, world!");
p.add("London is a capital of Great Britain");
assert(p.greetings().count() == 1);
While this test is much better, thanks to Hamcrest assertions (how to name test methods—is a separate story explained in detail here):
import static org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.assertThat;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.equalTo;
void countsSimpleGreetings() {
Phrases p = new Phrases();
p.add("Hello, world!");
p.add("London is a capital of Great Britain");
"Total count of greetings",
p.greetings().count(), equalTo(1)
The first snippet will print a pretty obscure error message, while the second one will help me a lot in my struggle with the bug I just made: The message will be self-explanatory. I will quickly understand what the problem is.
Test Classes
Descriptive messages will help me understand what the problem is. However, will I know where the problem is? In which Java class? Not really. Is it in Phrases.java,
or maybe in Greetings.java,
which is returned by Phrases.greetings()
? I can only get this information from the name of the test class. If it’s called PhrasesTest.java
—all bugs that it catches are most probably located in Phrases.java.
If it’s called GreetingsTest.java
—… well, you get the idea.
My point is that the name of a test class is not just a name. It’s an instruction for a wondering programmer: “Go look into the source file, the name of which you can derive from my name, removing the Test
suffix.” If I try to follow this instruction and it leads me nowhere, I get very frustrated, especially if the project is not mine. I can’t get the required information from anywhere else. The name of the test class is my last hope.
Very Long Test Classes
What if a test class gets too long? It may have a few dozen or more test methods. We don’t want a class to be too big, right? Wrong! A test class is not a class. It’s not even a utility class. It’s a container for test scripts. It’s called a class because Java (and many other languages) do not have alternative code organization instruments. So don’t worry about your test classes getting excessively long. 5000 lines of code in a test class is not a problem at all. Again, because it’s not a class, it’s only a collection of test scripts.
Test Prerequisites (Wrong Way)
Very often some classes or functions are not tests, but must be shared among tests. (I’m sure you know that sharing tests is an anti-pattern. Do you?) Look at how I refactored the unit test from above (it’s not elegant at all, but bear with me for a moment!):
class PhrasesTest {
void countsSimpleGreetings() {
Phrases p = new Phrases();
"Total count of greetings",
p.greetings().count(), equalTo(1)
private static void prepare(Phrases p) {
p.add("Hello, world!");
p.add("London is a capital of Great Britain");
Here, in private method prepare(),
I have a convenient builder of the object of class Phrases.
This builder may be beneficial for other tests, such as GreetingsTest.
I don’t want to copy it from PhrasesTest
to GreetingsTest.
Instead, I want to put it somewhere where it can be reused. This would be the right place for it (foo
is the Java package that all our classes belong to):
Static method FooUtils.prepare()
now sits in the FooUtils
utility class (a terrible anti-pattern!), which is in the package foo.support
. But, pay attention, not in the foo
package, but in the sub-package that doesn’t have a counterpart in the live code block: there is no directory src/main/java/foo/support.
This is a clear message to a programmer who would meet this repository in a few years: all classes that stay in foo.support
belong to the test pipeline only and are not tests by themselves.
Test Prerequisites (Right Way)
As you know, utility classes and private static methods are the rudiments of imperative programming. The object-oriented world has better alternatives. JUnit5, in particular, offers pretty elegant mechanisms for creating test prerequisites: test extensions. Everything that a test method needs we supply through its parameters, which are instantiated by extensions, for example:
import org.junit.jupiter.api.extension.*;
class PhrasesExtension implements ParameterResolver {
public boolean supportsParameter(
ParameterContext pctx, ExtensionContext ectx) {
return pctx.getParameter().getType() == Phrases.class;
public Object resolveParameter(
ParameterContext pctx, ExtensionContext ectx) {
Phrases p = new Phrases();
p.add("Hello, world!");
p.add("London is a capital of Great Britain");
return p;
Then, the test will look like this:
import org.junit.jupiter.api.extension.ExtendWith;
class PhrasesTest {
void countsSimpleGreetings(Phrases p) {
"Total count of greetings",
p.greetings().count(), equalTo(1)
Now, the test and its prerequisites stay in two different places and are not as tightly coupled as they were before. Moreover, the prerequisites may be easily reused. The magic @ExtendWith
annotation may be attached to other tests. The implementation of PhrasesExtension
may become smarter: it may start paying attention not only to the type of argument of a test method but also to a custom annotation attached to it (this is how @TempDir
Fake Objects (Best Way)
Despite the beauty of JUnit extensions, I don’t think they are the best way to decouple prerequisites from test methods. JUnit extensions are still pretty coupled … not to test methods, but to the entire test suite of a project. If you decide to use them somewhere else, in another project, you won’t be able to do so.
Also, if you decide to test your prerequisites, you won’t be able to do it elegantly. Of course, you could write tests for them in the same directory, but in this case, you will break the principle: one test per one live class.
The solution is: fake objects. They stay together with other live objects, but have special “fake” behavior, for example (BTW, I don’t like factories, but in this case, it’s OK):
class FactoryOfPhrases {
public Phrases aboutLondon() {
Phrases p = new Phrases();
p.add("Hello, world!");
p.add("London is a capital of Great Britain");
return p;
Then, the test will look like this:
class PhrasesTest {
void countsSimpleGreetings() {
"Total count of greetings",
new FactoryOfPhrases().aboutLondon()
Repository layout would look like this:
Pay attention to the test FactoryOfPhrasesTest.
It tests the “fake” object FactoryOfPhrases,
which is part of the live classes collection. The factory of phrases is shipped together with all other classes. Therefore, it can be used by other projects and not only for test purposes.
To summarize, as a rule, I suggest keeping test classes clean: only test methods belong there. No attributes and, of course, no static private methods. Everything that is a prerequisite must be a “fake” object.
Integration Tests
In the Maven world, there are unit test classes (Test
suffix), and integration test classes (ITCase
suffix). The difference is huge. While both are compiled at the test-compile
phase by the same maven-compiler-plugin,
they are not executed together. Instead, unit tests are executed at the test
phase. The build fails immediately if any unit test is red. It’s a pretty straightforward approach, which is similar to other build automation engines.
Integration tests are executed in four steps (these are the names of Maven phases):
First, the resources needed for integration testing are acquired at the pre-integration-test
phase. For example, a test instance of MySQL database may be started. Then, the tests with ITCase
are executed at the ‘integration-test’ phase. The result of their execution is ignored for now but only recorded in a file. Then, the resources are released at the post-integration-test
phase. For example, the MySQL server is shut down. Finally, at the verify
phase, the results of the tests are verified, and the build fails if some of them are not green.
I keep ITCase
files together with Test
files only when they are integration tests for specific live classes. Very often, they are not—that’s why they are integration tests. They may integrate and test a number of classes together. In this case, I put them in a separate package and gave them arbitrary names that don’t match with the names of live classes:
Here, GreetingsITCase.java
is an integration test for Greetings.java,
while SimpleGuessingITCase.java
is an integration test for no particular class. Obviously, the package foo.it
only exists in tests and is not present in src/main/java.
Thus, there is the first rule: a test class may only have methods annotated with @Test
(in the case of Java).
Then, there is the second rule: a package with tests may only have classes with Test
or ITCase
suffices that map one-to-one to live classes and nothing else.