Here is how it goes, over and over again. I find a new developer for one of my projects managed by Zerocracy. He claims to be an expert with 10 years of hands-on coding experience, $60 hourly rate (we don’t hire US guys), and fluent English. Then he joins the project and attempts to close a few tickets. But he hardly can. For many reasons. Then he comes back and explains why our microtasking methodology doesn’t work, trying to convince me that I have to pay him per hour, instead of per result. Here is my answer.

No matter how bad the methodology is, you do know that we pay for each bug that is found and properly reported, right? Check §29 of our Policy.
If the Code Base Is Bad, Why Don’t You Report Bugs?
If the Code Base Is Good, Where Are Your Pull Requests?
There is only one metric on our projects, which separates good programmers from bad ones: the amount of money they are making. You can make money contributing to the project either by 1) reporting bugs (when you see problems) or 2) submitting pull requests (when you don’t see problems).
If none of that works for you, you are a bad programmer.
Good bye.
Do you know many pull requests you merge into your project per week, on average?
— Yegor Bugayenko (@yegor256) January 19, 2020