Using object properties as configuration parameters is a very common mistake we keep making mostly because our objects are mutable—we configure them. We change their behavior by injecting parameters or even entire settings/configuration objects into them. Do I have to say that it’s abusive and disrespectful from a philosophical point of view? I can, but let’s take a look at it from a practical perspective.

Let’s say there is a class that is supposed to read a web page and return its content:
class Page {
private final String uri;
Page(final String address) {
this.uri = address;
public String html() throws IOException {
return IOUtils.toString(
new URL(this.uri).openStream(),
Looks simple and straight-forward, right? Yes, it’s a rather cohesive and solid class. Here is how we use it to read the content of Google front page:
String html = new Page("").html();
Everything is fine until we start making this class more powerful. Let’s say we want to configure the encoding. We don’t always want to use "UTF-8"
. We want it to be configurable. Here is what we do:
class Page {
private final String uri;
private final String encoding;
Page(final String address, final String enc) {
this.uri = address;
this.encoding = enc;
public String html() throws IOException {
return IOUtils.toString(
new URL(this.uri).openStream(),
Done, the encoding is encapsulated and configurable. Now, let’s say we want to change the behavior of the class for the situation of an empty page. If an empty page is loaded, we want to return "<html/>"
. But not always. We want this to be configurable. Here is what we do:
class Page {
private final String uri;
private final String encoding;
private final boolean alwaysHtml;
Page(final String address, final String enc,
final boolean always) {
this.uri = address;
this.encoding = enc;
this.alwaysHtml = always;
public String html() throws IOException {
String html = IOUtils.toString(
new URL(this.uri).openStream(),
if (html.isEmpty() && this.alwaysHtml) {
html = "<html/>";
return html;
The class is getting bigger, huh? It’s great, we’re good programmers and our code must be complex, right? The more complex it is, the better programmers we are! I’m being sarcastic. Definitely not! But let’s move on. Now we want our class to proceed anyway, even if the encoding is not supported on the current platform:
class Page {
private final String uri;
private final String encoding;
private final boolean alwaysHtml;
private final boolean encodeAnyway;
Page(final String address, final String enc,
final boolean always, final boolean encode) {
this.uri = address;
this.encoding = enc;
this.alwaysHtml = always;
this.encodeAnyway = encode;
public String html() throws IOException,
UnsupportedEncodingException {
final byte[] bytes = IOUtils.toByteArray(
new URL(this.uri).openStream()
String html;
try {
html = new String(bytes, this.encoding);
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException ex) {
if (!this.encodeAnyway) {
throw ex;
html = new String(bytes, "UTF-8")
if (html.isEmpty() && this.alwaysHtml) {
html = "<html/>";
return html;
The class is growing and becoming more and more powerful! Now it’s time to introduce a new class, which we will call PageSettings
class Page {
private final String uri;
private final PageSettings settings;
Page(final String address, final PageSettings stts) {
this.uri = address;
this.settings = stts;
public String html() throws IOException {
final byte[] bytes = IOUtils.toByteArray(
new URL(this.uri).openStream()
String html;
try {
html = new String(bytes, this.settings.getEncoding());
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException ex) {
if (!this.settings.isEncodeAnyway()) {
throw ex;
html = new String(bytes, "UTF-8")
if (html.isEmpty() && this.settings.isAlwaysHtml()) {
html = "<html/>";
return html;
Class PageSettings
is basically a holder of parameters, without any behavior. It has getters, which give us access to the parameters: isEncodeAnyway()
, isAlwaysHtml()
, and getEncoding()
. If we keep going in this direction, there could be a few dozen configuration settings in that class. This may look very convenient and is a very typical pattern in Java world. For example, look at JobConf
from Hadoop. This is how we will call our highly configurable Page
(I’m assuming PageSettings
is immutable):
String html = new Page(
new PageSettings()
However, no matter how convenient it may look at first glance, this approach is very wrong. Mostly because it encourages us to make big and non-cohesive objects. They grow in size and become less testable, less maintainable and less readable.
To prevent that from happening, I would suggest a simple rule here: object behavior should not be configurable. Or, more technically, encapsulated properties must not be used to change the behavior of an object.
Object properties are there only to coordinate the location of a real-world entity, which the object is representing. The uri
is the coordinate, while the alwaysHtml
boolean property is a behavior changing trigger. See the difference?
So, what should we do instead? What is the right design? We must use composable decorators. Here is how:
Page page = new NeverEmptyPage(
new DefaultPage("")
String html = new AlwaysTextPage(
new TextPage(page, "ISO_8859_1")
Here is how our DefaultPage
would look (yes, I had to change its design a bit):
class DefaultPage implements Page {
private final String uri;
DefaultPage(final String address) {
this.uri = address;
public byte[] html() throws IOException {
return IOUtils.toByteArray(
new URL(this.uri).openStream()
As you see, I’m making it implement interface Page
. Now TextPage
decorator, which converts an array of bytes to a text using provided encoding:
class TextPage {
private final Page origin;
private final String encoding;
TextPage(final Page page, final String enc) {
this.origin = page;
this.encoding = enc;
public String html() throws IOException {
return new String(
Now the NeverEmptyPage
class NeverEmptyPage implements Page {
private final Page origin;
NeverEmptyPage(final Page page) {
this.origin = page;
public byte[] html() throws IOException {
byte[] bytes = this.origin.html();
if (bytes.length == 0) {
bytes = "<html/>".getBytes();
return bytes;
And finally the AlwaysTextPage
class AlwaysTextPage {
private final TextPage origin;
private final Page source;
AlwaysTextPage(final TextPage page, final Page src) {
this.origin = page;
this.source = src;
public String html() throws IOException {
String html;
try {
html = this.origin.html();
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException ex) {
html = new TextPage(this.source, "UTF-8").html();
return html;
You may say that AlwaysTextPage
will make two calls to the encapsulated origin
, in case of an unsupported encoding, which will lead to a duplicated HTTP request. That’s true and this is by design. We don’t want this duplicated HTTP roundtrip to happen. Let’s introduce one more class, which will cache the page fetched ( not thread-safe, but it’s not important now):
class OncePage implements Page {
private final Page origin;
private final AtomicReference<byte[]> cache =
new AtomicReference<>;
OncePage(final Page page) {
this.origin = page;
public byte[] html() throws IOException {
if (this.cache.get() == null) {
return this.cache.get();
Now, our code should look like this (pay attention, I’m now using OncePage
Page page = new NeverEmptyPage(
new OncePage(
new DefaultPage("")
String html = new AlwaysTextPage(
new TextPage(page, "ISO_8859_1")
This is probably the most code-intensive post on this site so far, but I hope it’s readable and I managed to convey the idea. Now we have five classes, each of which is rather small, easy to read and easy to reuse.
Just follow the rule: never make classes configurable!